Phone: +387 66 043 043
Working hours: Every day 07:00 - 24:00
In the Appetito restaurant, you will find a wide range of dishes, both local and specialties of modern international cuisine. Daily careful selection of fresh ingredients, great love for cooking, our friendly staff with a pleasant ambience and family atmosphere of the restaurant itself, are a guarantee for an experience beyond expectations, and pleasant memories that you will take with you. Whether you're looking for a light breakfast, a salad meal or perhaps pasta, you're in the right place!? Hot and cold appetizers, main dishes, steaks, and for those who are fasting, we have also prepared a fasting menu. After all, dessert and sweet delicacies will complete your overall experience. Below you can see the current offer of dishes in the Appetito restaurant.
Veljka Mlađenovića 12,
78000 Banja Luka
PHONE +387 66 043 043
Every day 07:00 - 24:00
Appetito Radio - LIVE
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