Appetito Restaurant & bar

Privacy policy

Appetito Restaurant & Bar Banja Luka - Privacy Statement

Appetito Restaurant & Bar Banja Luka undertakes to protect the privacy of all our visitors. We collect your personal data only when you make it available to us yourself, e.g. as part of registration, by filling out forms or by sending e-mails, for the purpose of booking, sending inquiries or requests related to our services and in similar situations in which you have chosen to provide us with data. The database and its content remain with our company and with the processors and servers that act on our behalf, and are responsible to us. We only collect necessary, basic data about visitors/users. These data serve us to successfully improve the user experience.

Appetito Restaurant & Bar does not sell, rent or lend the user list of its pages to third parties. With the obligation to maintain confidentiality, we may share data with trusted partners for certain purposes: creating statistical analysis, providing customer support, organizing delivery or similar needs.

Any such third party is prohibited from further processing your personal data. All employees and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection and accordingly consider them a business secret.

By using our website, you agree to the method of data collection and processing described in this Statement and to the storage and access of cookies on your device.

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Appetito Restaurant & Bar

Veljka Mlađenovića 12,
78000 Banja Luka

PHONE +387 66 043 043

Every day 07:00 - 24:00

Quick Contact

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 Telefon Phone
 WhatsApp WhatsApp
Viber Viber

* To make a quick contact through one of the applications, click on one of the icons above!

Appetito Restaurant & Bar

Sadržaj ove web stranice nije dozvoljeno kopirati ili koristiti u bilo koje svrhe bez pismenog odobrenja " Appetito Restaurant & Bar" - Banja Luka. Zadržavamo pravo na eventualne greške u tehničkom, tekstualnom i cjenovnom opisu koje su se mogle desiti prilikom unosa podataka na ovu web stranicu. Kompletna ponuda prikazana na našoj web stranici i jelovniku su dio naše ponude i ne podrazumjeva se da su dostupni u svakom trenutku. Za sve eventualne nedoumice, probleme ili tehničke informacije kontaktirajte nas na telefonski broj +387 66 043 043. Hvala na razumjevanju.

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